lørdag den 10. december 2011

onsdag den 7. december 2011

Something for the mind and soul

Sleep tight, xx


From the moment we stepped into our first class in school, from the moment we did our first jump in dance class, from the moment we moved to a new neighborhood, from the moment we asked to join a game .. All these moments doesn't stop exciting, just because we gets older. 
Moving a new country or getting to a new job .. the insecurity will always follow our every single step. 
But even though the feelings of fright, insecurity and sadness follows, it will get replaced of other extraordinary feelings by time. You are never alone and therefore you shouldn't feel alone. 
I had the same feelings, I didn't know what to do or how to get friends. I was thrown out from my comfort zone, far away from home .. but now when I look back, I see a big change.
You can always find "friends" .. but actually friends, are a lot harder to find. 
You can live and have a fine life with "friends", but when you really find a friend, it's like pure love.
Falling in love is not far from finding a real friend. One you really connect with and who understands you. I was lucky. I got a lot of "friends" at this place .. but only your heart can tell you who is your real FRIEND. 
